Softaculous in plain english

Softaculous automates the installation of applications to your website. You will find the Softaculous installer icon on your cPanel Homepage.

This helps you because you can install multiple applications all with a click or two, which makes it easy to harness the full power of everything these applications can do for your domain. Want to start a video sharing site? Want to start selling products and have a website that accepts payments…and have it up it an hour? Softaculous is your buddy.

Many a day can be spent exploring the coolness of these apps, or if you are in a hurry and just want the best there is, you can go for the large handful of enterprise-class applications like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Magento and the other heavyweights of their divisions. And when I say heavyweights, I don’t mean speed-wise. These applications are very optimized, and have HUGE user communities that make the functionality of some of them nearly unlimited. There are modules and plugins and add-ons and wizbangs that you can add to them to dial in exactly what you want the application to do.

Open source software is a wonderful thing, is it not?